Our Core Values
With emphasis laid on safety and environment relating to explosion-proof mobile devices, we value every opinion voiced by our customers, keep improving and innovating, and endeavor to improve the environment and safety for and satisfaction from our customers.
We focus on the safety and explosion protection business at the heart of everything we do. We provide the right products and services to enable our customers and our people to succeed safely in their daily business.
Our teams of highly skilled and experienced industry experts are committed to be working with our customers to be their trusted partner and match our products and services with their real needs and expectations.
We concentrate on right quality in everything we do, ranging from the software and hardware services, technology development and processes, achieving the engineering excellence and the manufacture excellence with the focused attitude.
We deliver sustainable growth through superior results. We guide the enterprise and employees to grow sustainably and stably.
Suzhou Hazardtex Mechanical Equipment Co., LTD
Address:7-B1 Plant No.59 Weixin Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China
Mr. Li: +8613771823229
Miss Huang: +86 512 69570129
Service hot line:
Mr. Wu: +8613701544403
Copyright:Suzhou Hazardtex Mechanical Equipment Co., LTD 苏ICP备16005497号-1